Efficient and sustainable logistics in Padua

At the heart of its logistics operations, Prima Zanetti operates a warehouse dedicated to packaging and shipping products worldwide, always in tune with customers’ specific needs. Flexibility is our key to success, with the ability to adopt different types of packaging, characterized by varying sizes and materials, including the use of reusable packaging supplied directly by the customer

In this process, environmental sustainability is a matter of great commitment, reflecting Prima Zanetti’s focus on environmental protection and waste reduction.

Customized shipping,
respect for the environment

Prima Zanetti not only ensures efficient global logistics with a state-of-the-art warehouse, but also stands out for its attention to environmental impact. Customization of logistic solutions includes the possibility of choosing between various packaging options, demonstrating flexibility in response to customers’ specific needs.

Not only do we reduce wastes through optimized packaging practices, but we actively promote the use of reusable packaging, contributing to the realization of environmentally friendly logistics.

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Where we are

GPS coordinates:
long. 11.952138 (11° 57' 7.70'' E) - lat. 45.393598 (45° 23' 36.95'' N)

Our contact details
Address: Viale della Regione Veneto, 11 - 35127 Padova Phone number: 049 8702052 Email: info@primazanetti.it Sales office: commerciale@primazanetti.it
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